Score: Do fellows in pubs recognize you from Score? What is their response the first-ever time, if they do. Claudia: Yes! They can't believe it's actually me. They check their smartphones and view at my links. Score: Is your hookup drive heavier now than when you were just embarking to study your sexuality? Claudia: Yes, like with everything else, practice counts, dear. Now I know what I want and how I want it. Score: Has dancing in a bar and modeling enlargened your sexual appetite or would it be the same sans that environment? Claudia: It has enlargened my prowess of how to sate a man. My hookup drive was always high. Now I am a plenty of more certain in couch and willing to attempt nearly anything. Except anal. Score: You were in a threesome with Rocky and Johnny Champ and now you're in this sequence with Rocky. Is it any different when you're with a pornography boy you've formerly done a sequence with? Claudia: I did enjoy being with 2 guys. I'll be honest, Johnny is way too good-sized for my pussy. But we did a plenty of of make-out off-camera to pull that sequence off. Rocky is good-sized but highly bangable and yummy. Score: When the camera guy wasn't rolling, what did you and Rocky do until it was time to resume the fun? Claudia: Me and Rocky had chatted story, like we say in Hawaii, and got to know each other fairly a bit while we were in the dressing guest room and waiting. We did have fun a tiny to commence prepping for our sequence too.">
Added: 2025-02-15 Rating: n/a

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